Agape offers job opportunities where you will use your talents to do incredible ministry!
This could be the best experience of your life! Being a role model for children… Teaching from the heart…. Living in Christian service…. Making friends that last a life-time…. Gaining valuable career training… These are just a few of the rewards of being part of the Camp Agape staff. Don’t delay, check out what employment opportunities await you at Camp Agape.
We do not discriminate in employment on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual identity or orientation, ability or disability, or political affiliation, UNLESS, such attribute is directly related to the position for which they are applying. (Examples might be that a position as a Camp Chaplain may require being a practicing Christian of the Lutheran denomination; or, an applicant for a position as a Cabin Leader for a male cabin must be male himself.)
If you are interested in being part of the Agape staff, please print the Application or complete online.
Send completed application to:
Camp Agape Applications
PO Box 115
Hickory, PA 15340
Or, scan and email to: